/Podcast/ Running a business in Poland

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Ben Esmael on The B. podcast. Ben is an entrepreneur, a business consultant and a good friend. During our conversation we discuss subjects such as: ▶️ Why should anyone short-list Poland as a place to do business? ▶️ How hard/easy to run a business in Poland? ▶️ […]
Why you should use the services of a person who is both a lawyer and a sworn translator

Modern business is rarely limited to the market of a single country. Even if your company is not focused on cooperation with foreign businesses, it is safe to assume that sooner or later you will have to come into contact with an entity from abroad – be it, for example, when concluding a contract, responding to claims, or acquiring an investor. In such an instance you may ask yourself, “who should I turn to for support?”